
The 64KB VCD Upgrade Module is a video RAM upgrade for the Commodore 128 or 128D. It is a solder-less plugin upgrade which increases the video RAM from 16KB to 64KB.

" Installation is by simply removing the video chip, fitting it into the upgrade module, and placing the upgrade module where video chip was. Easy!

There are tremendous advantages to the extra RAM. Like being able to scroll through video memory, or the potential to greatly enhanced colour resolution. This is a standard feature on all the
new 128DCR's and an upgrade for the 128`s.

Programs like Maverick, FasTrac 128, BASIC 8, the BASIC 8 Toolkit, Spectrum 128 and News Maker have all been coded to take advantage of the full 64K of video RAM found on the 128DCR's. So if you've got a regular C128 or C128D with only 16K of video RAM you are unable to use these programs to their full potential.

This module has been installed into the Commodore 128D exhibit (RH100033).

Excellent working condition.

64KB VDC Upgrade Module
(Coprolite Computer By-Products)

Part No

5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars

  • Hardware fully functional.
  • NOT in original packaging!
  • Contains all Manuals and Instructions.

Serial No


CBM64 / 128

Peripheral Type
Upgrade - Graphics

Product Images:

  Top PCB  Underside PCB  Installed in C128D  

Links & Media:

Installation Guide
Installation Guide

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Practise Your Basic (Gabby Waters & Nick Cutler)


Vintage Commodore 128 Personal Computer Handbook - 2019 Survival Edition (Margaret G. Morabito)