
CPC 464

Year Part No


Country Of Origin: Revision

Hardware Type

Serial No

Computer - 8-bit

The CPC464 was the first in a line of CPC computers by Amstrad. Similar to Sinclair's models it is based around the Zilog Z80 processor which ran at 4MHz. The base '464' model has 64K memory and the later '6128' model had 128K. At the time the '464' was quite unique in the UK home computer market as it included a built in tape drive and had specially designed green screen or colour monitors available. Most other home computers of the era were designed to be used with a standard TV and many were used with poor quality external cassette recorders. Although primarily targeted at the home user with a large catalogue of educational and game software it's high resolution monochrome text and graphic capabilities and the possibility to run CP/M software also rendered the system attractive for business users.

I never had a CPC back in the 80's, but more recent aquisition of CPC hardware has led me to appreciate it's technical supremacy to other offerings from Sinclair, Dragon and Oric and even Acorn.

The following year the CPC664 and 6128 were release featuring a built in 3" floppy disk drive. In 1990 the original models were refreshed and modernised with the CPC Plus range.

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  • Hardware fully functional.
  • NOT in original packaging!
  • Contains all Manuals and Instructions.

Donated by Kate & Jamie.

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