
Space Firebird

Year Part No

Country Of Origin: Revision

Arcade Type

Serial No

Cocktail Arcade - Vertical Shooter

The Hoei Space Firebird is a clone of the Gremlin / Nintendo Spacebird. It is a verical shooter similar to Galaga or Phoenix.

This particular machine was found in rather poor condition and as a result has been repaired using non original parts. The machine was found without it's top glass and legs and the electronics had major faults which meant the game did not play correctly. Replacement legs were found in the form of an old keyboard stand and a new glass top was cut. The electronics was repaired using parts from a scrapped Nitendo Spacebird board found on the Internet and new ROM's were programmed using files found on a Mame Emulator disk.


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Machine has been modified.


Product Images:

  Arcade Flyers  

Links & Media:

The International Arcade Museum
The International Arcade Museum