Current Progress / Latest News:

23rd April 2020
Retroseum has been fully rebuilt after the Ransomware attack. The main catalogueing site and general website is now hosted locally on a Raspberry Pi 4, but the main website is now being mirrored on an external web-server.

25th November 2019
Retroseum has been attacked by a Ransomware Virus so it will be temporarily hosted externally whilst the Pi Webserver is being rebuilt. The external server has a site limit of only 2GB so all the content will not be available. This gives me an opportunity to upgrade to a Pi 4 though ;-)

11th September 2018
Added Retroseum Projects to the website.

20th April 2018
For the first time I will be including digitally distributed game titles as more and more are only available as downloads. I guess it's the future of gaming!

4th May 2017
Happy Star Wars Day! The web-server has been given a little upgrade as the faithful little Raspberry Pi Model B has been retired and the site is now hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3.

31st December 2016
Another year has gone by and I still have a lot of exhibits to fix and catalogue.

22nd April 2013
An Exhibit Search Tool has been added to allow a quick search of the Retroseum database.

2nd January 2013
The Retroseum website is now hosted on a Raspberry Pi.

September 2012
A huge collection of over 100 retro computers has been donated to Retroseum.

26th October 2011
Basic website framework goes live with simple homepage, about Retroseum and contact pages.

7th April 2011
Museum MySQL database and exhibit manager GUI completed. Let the catalogueing commence!

September 2008
The current database and website design was started.

Sometime in 2006
The Retroseum Project was spawned.

Any support, new information or advice is always welcome. If you think you can contribute please contact me. Donations of hardware and software are also welcome.